Embracing Your Genius: February's Supercharged Aquarius Stellium

Aquarius, the sign of the Water Bearer, is playing host to 6 different planets at the moment - the most to assemble together in this air sign since 1962. As a result, many are feeling heightened portals of opportunity in different areas of life dependent on where this stellium falls in the chart. Change for a brighter future is ripe for the taking. So, with that in mind, I wanted to share some essential Aquarian themes to help you move in flow with the cosmic energy of the NOW…

Creation For the Love of the All

Aquarius is a humanitarian at heart, an innovator whose muse is always the vision of a brighter, more equitable future for its fellow mankind. We are all born creators, relentless inventors and pioneers on the leading edge of evolution. Technology that is shaping our minds and hearts is at our fingertips. So, what matters most now is the Why. Use with clear intention. Creation with a conscience. Modernization with the intent to connect us back to our hearts and souls and to one another rather than simply for the sake of commerce and material gain. This is the challenge from Aquarius to us all right now as a world. So, on the individual level how can you start showing up and engaging with your community, your work, your creations and technology on purpose? For some (myself included) this may be a hard look at how you engage with social media and the toll it is taking on your inner life. For those seeking a deeper dive into this subject, I highly recommend the documentary “The Social Dilemma” followed by a viewing of “My Octopus Teacher” to restore your faith in what life is really meant to be about.


Unlike its opposing sign of Leo full of fire and passion, Aquarius is a cool-headed air sign that finds clarity and insights by observing the drama of the emotional life from above the clouds. I call Aquarius the Spiritual Scientist as it has the uncanny ability to relate to the ups and downs and ins and outs of its humanity as one great experiment in consciousness, a game that can be mastered if you can keep your head and take nothing personally. Yes, these abilities in the non-attachment department are why Aquarius can get a rep for being aloof and robotic. But that’s not the goal. Remember Aquarius’ heart beats with the vision of a better, more conscientious world for all. So, the challenge here from Aquarius to us is: Can you pursue a cause that is dear to you without the energy of pushing against? Can you take steps to make things better, without seeing them as a broken? Can you create and love and learn and relate without condition and expectation and without the need to be fully understood? For this is when one is fully free.


Aquarius (and its modern ruling planet Uranus) are often linked with the myth of Prometheus - the Titan who challenged Zeus and the Olympian Gods by stealing fire and giving it to man on earth. Though Prometheus suffered horrific consequences at the hands of Zeus for his betrayal, he was heralded as a champion of humankind for giving the gift that set man free. Similarly, the symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer who pours from its vessel the life-giving waters of the soul. We can see in both these stories that freedom is a gift. But what we may not understand is that freedom is a gift we alone can give ourselves. We do this by reclaiming the fire we’ve allowed others to hold hostage. We do this by reconnecting to the deep, healing waters of the soul. Aquarius is an individualist. It isn’t afraid to be misunderstood, judged, or even ostracized for a time if what’s at stake is its inner sense of freedom. Where in your life do you currently feel stuck, tethered, bound, obliged, boxed in? What’s at risk if you break free from these dynamics? What’s at risk if you don’t?  The Aquarian answer is best summed up in a quote from luminary Viktor Frankl: “Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.” So, what is your next most empowering choice?  


With my Mercury in Aquarius in the 5th house, there is a quote from Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” I have kept close to my heart ever since I first discovered it. “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost…” When we take the steps to embrace our freedom and give ourselves this ultimate gift, we become a purified vessel into which our genius can flow and be fully received. Genius lives in all of us. It has so many forms and versions. It knows no bounds. Unfortunately, in our current world of labels and boxes and black and white thinking we have clouded our crystalline vision so much that it has become near impossible to see it in others, let alone in ourselves. So, under the darkness of this Aquarius new moon and a sky brimming with electrifying Aquarian vibrations, I invite you to create a sacred space and tune into the genius that lives and breathes inside of you, a spirit that has been with you since your birth and perhaps many lifetimes before that. Put your hand over your heart and connect to this spirit of Genius. Notice what she feels like. Perhaps images will come to mind. Soak it all in. And then ask her: “How can I bring you forth? How can I become a vessel for your divine and life-giving truth?” Then listen gently for the answers, like you would to a piece of music. They may not come in that moment, but they will come, perhaps in a dream or in a synchronistic rendezvous.  In the meantime, believe in your own thought. Believe in the wisdom of your private heart, because we, your world family, need you and your genius NOW.

Wishing you all a groundbreaking New Moon in Aquarius and for those seeking support on your journey home to your freedom and genius check out my life-changing, full support offering the Embodying Wild Course.

With love,



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